debate about bands that only play original music versus covers bands has
been one that has raged for some considerable time. There are those
that say original music is the only way forward and it is what keeps
music developing. This may be true, but covers bands fall into a number
of categories and they are not all to be dismissed so readily.
my opinion, it is important to make a distinction between tribute bands
and those that seek to place their own interpretation on existing
numbers. Tribute bands make no effort to be original. In fact, an
original tribute band is a contradiction in terms as they obviously set
out to be as much like their heroes as possible. Such bands are often
very clever at reproducing the look and sound of the originals and make
it possible for a much larger number of people to see and hear the songs
of the famous, even if they don’t have the opportunity (or money) to see
the originals.
there are some bands that set out to produce their own interpretation of
existing material and this has its own artistic merit and validity.
Jurassic Rock, a band I had the pleasure of hearing at a fund
raising event in support of Cancer Research UK in Colchester
Town Hall
at the weekend, are a case in point. They play a lot of music from the
‘50s and ‘60s and retain the vibe of the original to create a really
great atmosphere, but the interpretations are their own. Tony Eaton,
guitarist and singer, says that they achieve this in a number of ways.
When learning to play a song, they often do not refer to the original,
but think of what the song means to them so that they come up with their
own variation. “Sometimes this doesn’t come easily”, says Tony,
“So we will listen to a number of different interpretations and take
something from each to come up with our own version”. He continues,
“Although we put our own slant on each song, we make a big effort to
retain the original feel so that it is still recognisable”, adding,
“Our interpretations tend to have a lot more “balls” than the
original”. He concludes, “After all, Frank Sinatra and Elvis
Presley didn’t write their own songs, but no one has ever questioned
their artistry”. He has a point! |