This half stack was made to Tony's specification by Dave Green,
the chief engineer at Matamp. This is not unusual as the Company
takes a pride in making their amps to each of their customer's
satisfaction and say they will keep making alterations until the
customer is happy.
Matamp was started in Yorkshire shortly after the war, details of their
history and product range can be found
here. Tony was tempted to
look at the Company after reading a review in Guitarist and was
sufficiently impressed to order a 1224 to replace his Mesa Boogie
HEAD: Single channel head with a true output of about 40 watts.
A combination of reducing the transformer output,
running the valves on triode instead of pentode and using the 4 output
valves in different configurations, permits a wide variety of outputs down
to about 2 watts. There are 4 EL34 output valves, 3 ECC83 pre-amp
valves, 1 ECC83 reverb valve and 1 6V6GT rectifier valve. Controls
are Voice (which changes the texture of the sound between thick and
thin), Gain, Overdrive, Reverb, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence, Master Volume.
Celestion G12M Greenback and
Celestion G12H 70th Anniversary Special Edition wired in series to
handle 40 watts at 16ohm.
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