
Winter 2008-2009

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In November, Tony fell whilst chopping logs and broke a tendon on his left shoulder.  The injury was nowhere near as bad as Paul Cooper’s and, luckily, he can still play the guitar.  However, it is not going to heal on its own and so he is due to have an operation towards the end of February.  This rounded off, and just about summed up, what has not been our happiest year.


Mike Watkin has moved away and the distances involved and the commitments in his new life are too great to continue as a permanent member of Jurassic Rock.  Needless to say, we are sad that Mike can’t be with us, but he is staying in touch and hopes to make the occasional “guest appearance”.

Lewis Clark is a talented sound engineer whose experience and ability belie his years.  He had been working with Mike to produce the Jurassic Rock sound for about two years.  His assumption of the Chief Sound Engineer mantle has been seamless and we have already received many compliments for the quality of our sound whilst Lewis has been in control.  Given this, Jurassic Rock will continue to provide sound quality of the highest order.

Another talented teenager to join our ranks is Jon Settle.  Jon is our drummer, Bob’s, son and he is now a regular guitarist and backing singer with the band.  Jon’s details can be found here.

2009 has started with a bang on the gigs front.  In January, we had two memorable gigs – a 60th birthday party and a record breaking dance at Hundon Village Hall.  Hundon holds regular dances throughout the year and the usual turnout is about 50 people.  On 17th January, Jurassic Rock attracted a crowd of 180!  In financial terms, this was the equivalent of about 4 or 5 normal dances, which delighted everyone concerned, except the bar staff (who were run off their feet) and the raffle ticket sellers, who were worried they wouldn’t have enough tickets.  Such a good time was had by all that the organisers insisted on paying us a bonus and booked Jurassic Rock for New Year’s Eve.  However, you won’t have to wait until then to see Jurassic Rock again, as we are playing there on 16th May.  DON’T MISS IT!!

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